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OMC schedule
Monday May 20th
19 hs. Opening
Tuesday May 21st
19 hs. Debate workshop: History as merchandise. Gentrification in Buenos Aires from 1990 till today.
By Margarita Martínez.
At the end of the 90s, Buenos Aires underwent a transformation only comparable to the modernization of the end of the 19th century.
The goal is to make the city more understandable from its most recent modifications, in order to cope with the globalization standards based on the usury of history.
The discussion will focus on space and time, the ways in which matter is tamed, the speculations of urban developers, the mirages of the future and the past represented on an ever-moving plane.
Wednesday May 22nd
17 hs. Visita sucinta al Monumento al Contrabandista (Succinct Visit to the Monument of the Smuggler).
By Lux Lindner.
Back fence of the Casa Rosada, by the Eje Cívico.
Thursday May 23rd
17 hs. Conversation with Lux Lindner: ¿Por qué necesitamos un Monumento al Contrabandista Nacional? (Why do we need a Monument of the National Smuggler?)
By Juan Laxagueborde (sociologist).
Saturday May 25th
17 hs. Performance conference: Nada es más peligroso que una estatua y su aparente inmovilidad (Nothing is more dangerous than a statue and its apparent immobility).
By Marcelo Valko (Psychologist and historian).
Monuments never stay still. The pretend to be passive. With their mise-en-scène, they offer a quietness that looks more like simulation than innocence. They impose themselves through social imagination, hindering the possibility of thinking and condemning us to the asymmetry of mental categories, a discourse tied to the taste of power.
Sunday May 26th
17 hs. Mobile conference: El Exilio de los Monumentos no Deseados (The Exile of Undesired Monuments)
The Costanera as a place for discarding extemporary or anachronistic emblems. From the Fuente de las Nereidas sculpture to the new Monument to Columbus. An unprecedented journey through devaluated iconographies.
By Ana Markman (philosopher).
Meeting point: OMC. C Complejo art_media Av. Corrientes 6271 - CABA
Monday May 27th
19 hs. Workshop: How to place your monument in the City. Step-by-step instructions for approval and placement of new monuments in the City of Buenos Aires.
By public official to be confirmed.
By Juan Vacas (General Director on Heritage, Museums and Historic Centre).
Sofía Medici (Buenos Aires – Argentina, 1974)
Laura Kalauz (Buenos Aires – Argentina, 1975)
Their work questions contemporary life, and focuses on revisiting assumptions that govern social behavior, shaping our way of thinking and doing things. In this way, they develop strategies that analyze the power of artistic practices to intervene reality and generate political imagination as they are developed. Their projects take different shapes, including conferences, performances, field trips, debates, theater plays, exhibits and installations. They created Nostalgia de una Ciencia Ficción Futura (2014), Reported Speech (2015), Proyecto Monumental (2017), Darwin secuestra a tres fueguinos y les enseña inglés (2017) and Línea Histórica (2018).
These works have been showcased in different venues in Argentina and abroad, including the International Dramaturgy Festival (2018), De Singel (Antwerp 2014), Venice Biennale (2015), NAVE (Santiago de Chile, 2017), Casa del Bicentenario (Bienal Sur 2017) and the Centro Cultural San Martín.
Free admission. *the only activity that requires previous enrollment is on Sunday May 26th.
The Office of consented Monuments (OMC) is a trans-disciplinary project that began in 2017 through the Proyecto Monumental, a public competition that invited participants to submit projects for monuments to be placed in the location previously assigned to the statues of Juana Azurduy and Cristopher Columbus. The jury selected nine projects that were presented during a public deliberation at El Cultural San Martín, the winner of which was El monumento al contrabandista by artist Lux Lindner. Currently, this project is being promoted by the OMC to be discussed in the Buenos Aires legislature for its future placement.
The Office of consented Monuments l OMC will be opening to the public in order to assist, promote and manage monumental projects.