40 portraits 2003-2008
May 9
20 hs.
From May 10 to July 31
Tuesday to Friday, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (MNBA)
Av. del Libertador 1473 - CABA 
Free admission.
LAST SPRING: A Prequel features a teenager, personified by a ventriloquist, animated doll, who interprets a schizophrenic dialogue with a glove puppet. Together, they evoke a space of uncertain realities for the spectator. The teenager has tried obsessively to draw the blueprints of this other space, whose architecture is reminiscent of a game. And so he reveals, in addition, the architecture of the space through the structure of the text he is interpreting...and is revealed as trapped in his own dialogue. This fake charlatan allows the viewer to obscurely discover the main axes of the game, and shows the psychosis form which he cannot escape.
Idea and direction: Gisèle Vienne
Text and dramaturgy: Dennis Cooper
Voice: Jonathan Capdevielle
Music: Peter Rehberg and Stephen O’Malley
Lighting: Patrick Riou
Light direction: Arnaud Lavisse
Direction of puppets and animation: Raphaël Rubbens, Dorothéa Vienne-Pollak, Nicolas Herlin (CLSFX) and Gisèle Vienne
Murals: Stephen O’Malley
Sound installation and programming: Gérard d’Elia and Adrien Michel
Electronic direction and programming of robotized puppets: Nicolas Darrot
Executive production: DACM
LAST SPRING: A Prequel is a co-propduction between Le Quartz, Scène Nationale de Brest, Le Parvis, Scène Nationale de Tarbes – Pyrénées and Centre Pompidou de París. It received the support of Centre d’Art Passerelle – Brest, of the Espace HARD HAT – Geneva and the Conseil Général de l'Isère.
La Compagnie DACM works in agreement with the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication – DRAC Grand Est, the Région Grand Est and the Ville de Strasbourg.
Gisèle Vienne regularly receives funding from the Institut Français - Ministère des Affaires Étrangères for tours aborad and is an associated artist of the Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers, Centre Dramatique National and the Théâtre National de Bretagne.
40 portraits
< 2003-2008 >
Photographs of Gisèle Vienne
Gisèle Vienne creates photographic compositions in which the puppets from her shows become models striking poses. By addressing the ambiguities and troubles that are typical of adolescence, and by questioning the perspective that we as adults adopt towards this phase in life, the artist takes her sad, sometimes excessively made-up Lolita characters, and leads them towards a gradual transformation into androgynous beings.