La performance y la política: las intervenciones en la esfera pública
May 24th - 17 to 20 hs.
May 26th and May 27th - 10 to 13 hs.
Centro Cultural Paco Urondo
25 de mayo 201 - CABA
This seminar focuses on the intersection between art, performance and politics. The goal is to identify and assess the different ways in which the art of performance converges and interprets discourse, systems and political projects. They are considered politically-based works of art, which ironically comment on political rhetoric and behavior, actions that promote a series of political goals and incarnate political aspirations. In this sense, Coco Fusco introduces a wide variety of American, European and Latin American examples. Students can also share the documentation of their own work.
Type of activity: Seminar.
Paid activity. Prior registration required.
Registration available from May 2nd to 10th. p>